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Launch: Findings from the Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children
22 October 2018 18:30-20:00
Common Ground, Institute of Advanced Study, UCL

This Multi-Country Study has sought to address the question: What drives violence affecting children and what can be done about it? The study is a partnership between UNICEF Office of Research and the University of Edinburgh and involves collaboration with others including Young Lives, University of Oxford and UCL Institute of Education. This launch event provides an overview of some of the key findings and process learning emerging from the study conducted by national research teams comprising government, practitioners and academic researchers in Italy, Peru, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Key contributors will reflect on implications for research, policy and practice in a new journal special issue of Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, as well as an animated film demonstrating the Study’s socio-ecological approach to understanding both what drives violence, and how to better prevent it—framed within poetry written by Zimbabwean youth. Refreshments will be provided. The event is generously funded by the British Academy as part of an early career seed grant on structural and interpersonal violence and hosted by the Institute of Advanced Study. The launch is free and open to all, but please register at:

Launch: Findings from the Multi-Country Study on the Drivers of Violence Affecting Children
22 October 2018 18:30-20:00
Common Ground, Institute of Advanced Study, UCL

This Multi-Country Study has sought to address the question: What drives violence affecting children and what can be done about it? The study is a partnership between UNICEF Office of Research and the University of Edinburgh and involves collaboration with others including Young Lives, University of Oxford and UCL Institute of Education. This launch event provides an overview of some of the key findings and process learning emerging from the study conducted by national research teams comprising government, practitioners and academic researchers in Italy, Peru, Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Key contributors will reflect on implications for research, policy and practice in a new journal special issue of Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, as well as an animated film demonstrating the Study’s socio-ecological approach to understanding both what drives violence, and how to better prevent it—framed within poetry written by Zimbabwean youth. Refreshments will be provided. The event is generously funded by the British Academy as part of an early career seed grant on structural and interpersonal violence and hosted by the Institute of Advanced Study. The launch is free and open to all, but please register at:
