Young Lives receives funding from a range of donors for our quantitative and qualitative data gathering, research analysis, communications and policy work.
Additional funding is obtained from time to time from other donors, in response to specific issues or research interests, either geographically or thematically based.
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
FCDO, formally the Department for International Development, which provided core funding to Young Lives until 2018m, funds Young Lives at Work
The Old Dart Foundation
The Old Dart Foundation funds Young Lives at Work in Peru.
Wellcome Trust
The Wellcome Trust funds mental health and wellbeing research, particularly in relation to the impact of conflict in Ethiopia
Since 2001, we have received funding from the following donors.
Echidna Giving
Echidna Giving funds Gender and Education
National Health Institute
The National Health Institute IH funds Foundational cognitive skills development in Ethiopia and Peru
Medical Research Council (MRC)
The Medical Research Council funds Health Risks of Early Life Obesity in Peru
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
The Packard Foundation funds Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ethiopia
UNICEF Ethiopia and FCDO
Gendered Transitions to Adulthood in Ethiopia
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Methodological Learning and Lessons from Young Lives
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Young Marriage and Parenthood Study
Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Research and policy programme on child marriage in India and early education in Ethiopia (2015-18)
Irish Aid
School surveys in Ethiopia and Vietnam (2015-18)
Oak Foundation
- Research on violence affecting children in Ethiopia (2015-18).
- A study on child work/labour in Ethiopia (2012-14).
- A study on risk and resilience (orphan-hood and parental absence in Ethiopia and child work and migration in India) (2009-12).
- Support to the Child Research and Practice Forum in Ethiopia (2010-18)
UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti
A multi country study on the drivers of violence affecting children (2015-16)
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
A study on Gender, Poverty and Transitions to Adulthood, funded under its Global Development and Population Programme (2014-16)
Bernard van Leer Foundation
A research stream on early childhood transitions (2007-12)
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Provided co-funding from 2010 to 2014 which enabled us to expand our education research
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi
Supported the Vietnam school survey (2015-16)
Young Lives receives funding from a range of donors for our quantitative and qualitative data gathering, research analysis, communications and policy work.
Additional funding is obtained from time to time from other donors, in response to specific issues or research interests, either geographically or thematically based.
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
FCDO, formally the Department for International Development, which provided core funding to Young Lives until 2018m, funds Young Lives at Work
The Old Dart Foundation
The Old Dart Foundation funds Young Lives at Work in Peru.
Wellcome Trust
The Wellcome Trust funds mental health and wellbeing research, particularly in relation to the impact of conflict in Ethiopia
Since 2001, we have received funding from the following donors.
Echidna Giving
Echidna Giving funds Gender and Education
National Health Institute
The National Health Institute IH funds Foundational cognitive skills development in Ethiopia and Peru
Medical Research Council (MRC)
The Medical Research Council funds Health Risks of Early Life Obesity in Peru
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
The Packard Foundation funds Sexual and Reproductive Health in Ethiopia
UNICEF Ethiopia and FCDO
Gendered Transitions to Adulthood in Ethiopia
Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)
Methodological Learning and Lessons from Young Lives
The International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
Young Marriage and Parenthood Study
Children's Investment Fund Foundation
Research and policy programme on child marriage in India and early education in Ethiopia (2015-18)
Irish Aid
School surveys in Ethiopia and Vietnam (2015-18)
Oak Foundation
- Research on violence affecting children in Ethiopia (2015-18).
- A study on child work/labour in Ethiopia (2012-14).
- A study on risk and resilience (orphan-hood and parental absence in Ethiopia and child work and migration in India) (2009-12).
- Support to the Child Research and Practice Forum in Ethiopia (2010-18)
UNICEF Office of Research-Innocenti
A multi country study on the drivers of violence affecting children (2015-16)
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
A study on Gender, Poverty and Transitions to Adulthood, funded under its Global Development and Population Programme (2014-16)
Bernard van Leer Foundation
A research stream on early childhood transitions (2007-12)
Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Provided co-funding from 2010 to 2014 which enabled us to expand our education research
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Hanoi
Supported the Vietnam school survey (2015-16)