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Launch of Round 4 Findings in Hyderabad
Gender, Poverty and Inequalities

Preliminary findings from Rounds 1 to 4 of the Young Lives survey will be launched at a special event in Hyderabad on Monday 22 September 2014.

Following the Round 4 household and child survey carried out in all four study countries in late 2013, we now have data on the Younger Cohort of children from infancy through to middle childhood, and the Older Cohort of children from age 8 until early adulthood. To publish early findings, we are producing a series of short fact sheets for the two states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - focusing on Education and Learning; Nutrition and Health; and Youth and Development. These fact sheets aim to give a brief overview of children's outcomes at age 12  and age 19  looking at differences by poverty level, rural/urban location and gender.

The launch event will be hosted by the Centre for Economic and Social Studies. Chief Guests will be Professor Ch. Hanumantha Rao, Chancellor of the  University of Hyderabad and Former Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India and Professor R. Radhakrishna,, Chairman, Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Former Chairman, National Statistical Commission.


Welcome Address:  Professor  Uma Vennam, SPMVV

Lighting the lamp

Introducing Young Lives International Study of Childhood Poverty, Professor Jo Boyden, Director, Young Lives, UK

Introducing Young Lives India, Dr Renu Singh, Country Director, Young Lives, India

Release of Factsheets of Telangana state, Professor Ch. Hanumantha Rao

Release of Factsheets of Andhra Pradesh state, Professor R. Radhakrishna 

Chairman's Remarks, Professor R. Radhakrishna

Remarks of the Chief Guest, Professor Ch. Hanumantha Rao

Remarks of the Guest of Honour, Professor Ratna Kumari, Vice Chancellor, SPMVV, Tirupati

Overview of Round 4 Findings of both the states, Professor S. Galab, Director, CESS and Principal Investigator, Young Lives India

Vote of Thanks: Dr P. Prudhvikar Reddy, CESS



Launch of Round 4 Findings in Hyderabad
Gender, Poverty and Inequalities

Preliminary findings from Rounds 1 to 4 of the Young Lives survey will be launched at a special event in Hyderabad on Monday 22 September 2014.

Following the Round 4 household and child survey carried out in all four study countries in late 2013, we now have data on the Younger Cohort of children from infancy through to middle childhood, and the Older Cohort of children from age 8 until early adulthood. To publish early findings, we are producing a series of short fact sheets for the two states of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana - focusing on Education and Learning; Nutrition and Health; and Youth and Development. These fact sheets aim to give a brief overview of children's outcomes at age 12  and age 19  looking at differences by poverty level, rural/urban location and gender.

The launch event will be hosted by the Centre for Economic and Social Studies. Chief Guests will be Professor Ch. Hanumantha Rao, Chancellor of the  University of Hyderabad and Former Member, Planning Commission, Govt. of India and Professor R. Radhakrishna,, Chairman, Centre for Economic and Social Studies and Former Chairman, National Statistical Commission.


Welcome Address:  Professor  Uma Vennam, SPMVV

Lighting the lamp

Introducing Young Lives International Study of Childhood Poverty, Professor Jo Boyden, Director, Young Lives, UK

Introducing Young Lives India, Dr Renu Singh, Country Director, Young Lives, India

Release of Factsheets of Telangana state, Professor Ch. Hanumantha Rao

Release of Factsheets of Andhra Pradesh state, Professor R. Radhakrishna 

Chairman's Remarks, Professor R. Radhakrishna

Remarks of the Chief Guest, Professor Ch. Hanumantha Rao

Remarks of the Guest of Honour, Professor Ratna Kumari, Vice Chancellor, SPMVV, Tirupati

Overview of Round 4 Findings of both the states, Professor S. Galab, Director, CESS and Principal Investigator, Young Lives India

Vote of Thanks: Dr P. Prudhvikar Reddy, CESS

