This pack for teachers contains films and activities about children's lives in four countries, for key stage 2 geography, PSHE and citizenship.
Mai from rural Vietnam, Naresh from Hyderabad in India, Alexia from the rainforests of Peru, and Elene from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, are aged between 8 and 10. Their real-life stories are told through four short films in this pack. The similarities and differences between their lives and those of UK pupils are explored via a range of activities.
Welcome to My World supports the development of the global dimension within schools, and links to both the geography and PSHE/ citizenship curricula at Key Stage 2 and to QCA schemes of work. Pupils explore a range of geographical issues, examine localities in developing countries, gain an understanding of what it is like to live in poverty, learn to value diversity both locally and globally, and develop skills to combat injustice.
Welcome to My World provides:
- 10 varied activities with clearly defined learning objectives
- differentiated activities for lower Key Stage 2 classes or mixed ability groups
- extension activities to further develop pupils’ understanding
- films for use on electronic whiteboards
- extensive curriculum links, including links for Wales and Scotland.
Published: March 2007 | Price: £20.00 | ISBN 13 1841871133
Available from Save the Children

This pack for teachers contains films and activities about children's lives in four countries, for key stage 2 geography, PSHE and citizenship.
Mai from rural Vietnam, Naresh from Hyderabad in India, Alexia from the rainforests of Peru, and Elene from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, are aged between 8 and 10. Their real-life stories are told through four short films in this pack. The similarities and differences between their lives and those of UK pupils are explored via a range of activities.
Welcome to My World supports the development of the global dimension within schools, and links to both the geography and PSHE/ citizenship curricula at Key Stage 2 and to QCA schemes of work. Pupils explore a range of geographical issues, examine localities in developing countries, gain an understanding of what it is like to live in poverty, learn to value diversity both locally and globally, and develop skills to combat injustice.
Welcome to My World provides:
- 10 varied activities with clearly defined learning objectives
- differentiated activities for lower Key Stage 2 classes or mixed ability groups
- extension activities to further develop pupils’ understanding
- films for use on electronic whiteboards
- extensive curriculum links, including links for Wales and Scotland.
Published: March 2007 | Price: £20.00 | ISBN 13 1841871133
Available from Save the Children