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Young Lives school research presented at World Comparative Education Congress

Young Lives presented a panel of three papers ? on different aspects of children?s school outcomes in Ethiopia, in Peru, and in India and Vietnam ? at the Congress of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies in Buenos Aires on 25 June 2013.

The three presentations by Santiago Cueto, Angela Little and Caine Rolleston looked at school quality, opportunities to learn, and classroom practice through analysis of the unique Young Lives school survey data. The conference attracts a wide inter-disciplinary audience of researchers, policymakers and practitioners, whose questions and comments at the panel session fed into debate around comparative education methodology and the implications of large differences in school quality accessed by more and less advantaged pupils and between education systems in different countries. Perhaps because of the large South American contingent among the audience, particular attention was drawn to educational issues in the context of Peru. More generally, debates at the conference centred around the development of new learning goals and metrics for the post-2015 period, including a critical focus on globalisation and on the liberalisation and privatisation of education in less-developed countries.


What does Pedagogical Content Knowledge add to Students? Mathematics Achievement in Fourth Grade? A Longitudinal Analysis in Peru, by Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Alejandra Miranda and Alejandra Sorto (English)

¿Qué añade el conocimiento pedagógico de los contenidos curriculares al rendimiento en matemática?: Un análisis longitudinal en el Perú (Spanish)

Observing Teaching and Learning in Ethiopian Primary Classrooms, by Angela W. Little and Melanie D. Frost (English)

Observando la enseñanza  y el aprendizaje en aulas de primaria de Etiopía (Spanish)

Does School Make a Difference and For Whom?  A Two Country Comparative Study of the Impact of School Quality on Educational Attainment, by Caine Rolleston with Sofya Krutikova and Elisabetta Aurino (English)

¿La escuela hace la diferencia y para quién? Un estudio comparativo del impacto de la calidad de la escuela en el aprendizaje escolar en dos países (Spanish)

For further information, visit our education page:

Young Lives school research presented at World Comparative Education Congress

Young Lives presented a panel of three papers ? on different aspects of children?s school outcomes in Ethiopia, in Peru, and in India and Vietnam ? at the Congress of the World Council of Comparative Education Societies in Buenos Aires on 25 June 2013.

The three presentations by Santiago Cueto, Angela Little and Caine Rolleston looked at school quality, opportunities to learn, and classroom practice through analysis of the unique Young Lives school survey data. The conference attracts a wide inter-disciplinary audience of researchers, policymakers and practitioners, whose questions and comments at the panel session fed into debate around comparative education methodology and the implications of large differences in school quality accessed by more and less advantaged pupils and between education systems in different countries. Perhaps because of the large South American contingent among the audience, particular attention was drawn to educational issues in the context of Peru. More generally, debates at the conference centred around the development of new learning goals and metrics for the post-2015 period, including a critical focus on globalisation and on the liberalisation and privatisation of education in less-developed countries.


What does Pedagogical Content Knowledge add to Students? Mathematics Achievement in Fourth Grade? A Longitudinal Analysis in Peru, by Santiago Cueto, Juan Leon, Alejandra Miranda and Alejandra Sorto (English)

¿Qué añade el conocimiento pedagógico de los contenidos curriculares al rendimiento en matemática?: Un análisis longitudinal en el Perú (Spanish)

Observing Teaching and Learning in Ethiopian Primary Classrooms, by Angela W. Little and Melanie D. Frost (English)

Observando la enseñanza  y el aprendizaje en aulas de primaria de Etiopía (Spanish)

Does School Make a Difference and For Whom?  A Two Country Comparative Study of the Impact of School Quality on Educational Attainment, by Caine Rolleston with Sofya Krutikova and Elisabetta Aurino (English)

¿La escuela hace la diferencia y para quién? Un estudio comparativo del impacto de la calidad de la escuela en el aprendizaje escolar en dos países (Spanish)

For further information, visit our education page: