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New centre for Child Studies launched in Hyderabad

“Children everywhere should have the right to survival, to develop to the fullest, to protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation, and to participate fully in family, cultural and social life.”

We are pleased to announce the founding of new Division for Child Studies at our partner institute in India, the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) in Hyderabad.
The new research centre is a collaborative initiative between CESS and the UNICEF Office for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Its aim is to promote research, document best practice, and create a platform to contribute to better policies for children.


As one of its very first activities ahead of its first Board meeting, the Division for Child Studies organised an expert consultation on strengthening research and evidence to understand the policy environment for children.  The consultation provided a strategic platform to learn from and build upon initiatives promoted by a wide range of partners, including government, academia, research institutions, independent children’s rights institutions and civil society organizations.

Specifically, the consultation focused on:

  • Assess progress and reflect on key findings from initiatives by strategic partners, including government departments, independent children’s rights institutions, statistical offices, research institutions and NGOs, on children’s right based development.
  • Identify knowledge gaps, emerging challenges and factors that limit the promotion of evidence-based policies and the mobilization of resources and advocacy to ensure every child has right to survival, protection, development and participation and thereby reach close to child indicator related MDG targets.
  • Consider ways of promoting the use of knowledge and research in policy and action, and in supporting political decision-making and policy formulation to protect and promote children’s well-being.

The new research team will now work with the Board to develop a research agenda which will focus on malnutrition and health, education, child protection.

Further information available from:
Dr S. Vijay Kumar
Link to website:

New centre for Child Studies launched in Hyderabad

“Children everywhere should have the right to survival, to develop to the fullest, to protection from harmful influences, abuse and exploitation, and to participate fully in family, cultural and social life.”

We are pleased to announce the founding of new Division for Child Studies at our partner institute in India, the Centre for Economic and Social Studies (CESS) in Hyderabad.
The new research centre is a collaborative initiative between CESS and the UNICEF Office for Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka. Its aim is to promote research, document best practice, and create a platform to contribute to better policies for children.


As one of its very first activities ahead of its first Board meeting, the Division for Child Studies organised an expert consultation on strengthening research and evidence to understand the policy environment for children.  The consultation provided a strategic platform to learn from and build upon initiatives promoted by a wide range of partners, including government, academia, research institutions, independent children’s rights institutions and civil society organizations.

Specifically, the consultation focused on:

  • Assess progress and reflect on key findings from initiatives by strategic partners, including government departments, independent children’s rights institutions, statistical offices, research institutions and NGOs, on children’s right based development.
  • Identify knowledge gaps, emerging challenges and factors that limit the promotion of evidence-based policies and the mobilization of resources and advocacy to ensure every child has right to survival, protection, development and participation and thereby reach close to child indicator related MDG targets.
  • Consider ways of promoting the use of knowledge and research in policy and action, and in supporting political decision-making and policy formulation to protect and promote children’s well-being.

The new research team will now work with the Board to develop a research agenda which will focus on malnutrition and health, education, child protection.

Further information available from:
Dr S. Vijay Kumar
Link to website: