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This project drew on Young Lives quantitative and qualitative data to synthesise findings on sexual reproductive health and inequality in Ethiopia.  This review served to inform the Packard Foundation on future grant making around equity and justice initiatives.  

The team produced three outputs designed to explore the relationship between inequalities and sexual reproductive health: a working paper, a journal article and a policy brief. 

The paper features a review and synthesis of over 30 Young Lives papers and briefs across both policy and program findings as well as further analysis of Young Lives data gathered from the Round 5 survey and 5th wave of qualitative research.

Each output took the lens of intersecting inequalities, encompassing gender, age, location, ethnicity and differential access to services to explore a range of topics from knowledge about sexual reproductive health, sexual debut and contraception to pregnancy and childbirth, early marriage, abduction and female genital mutilation/cutting.

The article and policy brief was presented at the Child Research and Practice Forum and Ethiopia's Ministry of Health in 2022. 

Project Information
David and Lucile Packard Foundation
August 2021 - August 2022
Co-Principal Investigators