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Publication Information

Anne McCoy, Trudy Harpham, Sharon Huttly, Pham Thi Lan, Tran Duc Thach, Tran Thu Ha, Tran Tuan
Private schools
Working paper
Extra Classes and Learning Outcomes of Eight-Year-Old Children in Vietnam

Although primary school enrolment in Vietnam is high (91 per cent), most primary school students receive little more than half the annual teaching time defined by international norms. The Vietnamese school year is short by international standards, covering only 33 weeks. In addition, only around 20 per cent of children in Vietnam receive a full-day of schooling (5 or 6 hours according to international standards).

Extra classes, outside of the normal school system, have proliferated in all regions of Vietnam. These classes fall into two categories. Legal classes, organised by schools themselves, such as those provided for low-score performers or for outstandingly talented children. Illegal classes are taught by teachers who deliberately reduce the duration and content of their school-based classes to encourage students to take private tuition. The Vietnamese government is committed to providing full shifts of primary education by 2015 and has banned extra classes provided outside the normal school system. Nonetheless, the availability of and enrolment in illegal extra classes continue to increase.

Young Lives research examined the extent and effects of extra classes for eight-year-old children in Vietnam. It tested for association between extra classes and numeracy, reading and writing skills. The paper presents statistical data on the amount of time and money spent on extra classes. The authors argue that such classes should be restricted because of the financial pressure that they place on poor households –without improving the attainment of children who take them.

Keywords: Vietnam, education, time use, household income, achievement, enrolment

Extra Classes and Learning Outcomes of Eight-Year-Old Children in Vietnam

Although primary school enrolment in Vietnam is high (91 per cent), most primary school students receive little more than half the annual teaching time defined by international norms. The Vietnamese school year is short by international standards, covering only 33 weeks. In addition, only around 20 per cent of children in Vietnam receive a full-day of schooling (5 or 6 hours according to international standards).

Extra classes, outside of the normal school system, have proliferated in all regions of Vietnam. These classes fall into two categories. Legal classes, organised by schools themselves, such as those provided for low-score performers or for outstandingly talented children. Illegal classes are taught by teachers who deliberately reduce the duration and content of their school-based classes to encourage students to take private tuition. The Vietnamese government is committed to providing full shifts of primary education by 2015 and has banned extra classes provided outside the normal school system. Nonetheless, the availability of and enrolment in illegal extra classes continue to increase.

Young Lives research examined the extent and effects of extra classes for eight-year-old children in Vietnam. It tested for association between extra classes and numeracy, reading and writing skills. The paper presents statistical data on the amount of time and money spent on extra classes. The authors argue that such classes should be restricted because of the financial pressure that they place on poor households –without improving the attainment of children who take them.

Keywords: Vietnam, education, time use, household income, achievement, enrolment

Publication Information

Anne McCoy, Trudy Harpham, Sharon Huttly, Pham Thi Lan, Tran Duc Thach, Tran Thu Ha, Tran Tuan
Private schools
Working paper