Gillian Mann is Head of Research for Child Frontiers and has collaborated with Young Lives since 2011.
With a PhD in social anthropology and Masters’ degrees in child development and the anthropology of learning and cognition, Gillian’s career has focused on the social, economic and cultural aspects of boys’ and girls’ lives and their experiences of poverty, migration, violence, displacement, family separation and ill health.
She has worked with a range of research institutes and national, international and multilateral agencies to undertake large and small scale studies in multiple countries and contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. She has published widely for academic, professional and popular audiences, most recently on child marriage, teen pregnancy, and kinship care in the context of rising inequalities and humanitarian crises.
From 2017-2021 she co-led the Young Marriage and Parenthood Study with Gina Crivello and co-edited a volume on child marriage and gender-based violence in West Africa and South Asia called Through Adolescent Eyes.
Some of her current projects include a multi-phased study on the impact of climate change on teen marriage, pregnancy and divorce in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Madagascar and evidence syntheses on interventions to reduce child marriage in Eastern and Southern Africa.

Gillian Mann is Head of Research for Child Frontiers and has collaborated with Young Lives since 2011.
With a PhD in social anthropology and Masters’ degrees in child development and the anthropology of learning and cognition, Gillian’s career has focused on the social, economic and cultural aspects of boys’ and girls’ lives and their experiences of poverty, migration, violence, displacement, family separation and ill health.
She has worked with a range of research institutes and national, international and multilateral agencies to undertake large and small scale studies in multiple countries and contexts in sub-Saharan Africa. She has published widely for academic, professional and popular audiences, most recently on child marriage, teen pregnancy, and kinship care in the context of rising inequalities and humanitarian crises.
From 2017-2021 she co-led the Young Marriage and Parenthood Study with Gina Crivello and co-edited a volume on child marriage and gender-based violence in West Africa and South Asia called Through Adolescent Eyes.
Some of her current projects include a multi-phased study on the impact of climate change on teen marriage, pregnancy and divorce in Kenya, Zimbabwe and Madagascar and evidence syntheses on interventions to reduce child marriage in Eastern and Southern Africa.