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Publication Information

Education and Skills
Anatomy of an #EduCrisis: Whose responsibility?

In this blog, lead Young Lives Education Researcher Caine Rollestone summarises the recent UKFIET discussion on the World Development and Global Education Monitoring Reports. Led by the title asking 'whose responsibility?', Caine reflects on accountability in education, and includes video and question and answers from the event .

Young Lives was also closely involved in discusssions at UKFIET 2017. For more details of this, please see:

Anatomy of an #EduCrisis: Whose responsibility?

In this blog, lead Young Lives Education Researcher Caine Rollestone summarises the recent UKFIET discussion on the World Development and Global Education Monitoring Reports. Led by the title asking 'whose responsibility?', Caine reflects on accountability in education, and includes video and question and answers from the event .

Young Lives was also closely involved in discusssions at UKFIET 2017. For more details of this, please see:

Publication Information

Education and Skills