Young Lives is a holistic study and our research investigates multiple aspects of the experience of growing up in poverty and inequality in our study countries. Click on the feature box below to read more about our research projects, past and present.
Our research themes reflect the fact that our study participants are now young adults, and account for the changing world. Our four core research themes are Education and Skills, Employment, Health and Well-being and Family Lives and we also have three cross-cutting themes, Gender, Poverty and Inequalities, Shocks and Crises: Climate, Covid and Conflict, and Methodologies.
Young Lives’ two decades of research has led to over 900 publications providing insights and analysis on the drivers and impacts of poverty and inequality for childhood, youth and transitions to adulthood. For our key findings, click the feature box below or see all publications.
We are always looking towards the future and developing Young Lives research. Find out more on our new Future Research page.